LCS: Monday, December 2nd will be a Distance Learning Day. Students will receive work packets that will need to be returned on Tuesday to count towards attendance.
El lunes 2 de Diciembre será un día de aprendizaje a distancia. Los estudiantes recibirán paquetes de trabajo que deberán devolver el martes para contar para la asistencia.
Lendi 2 Ddesanm ap gen yon jounen aprantisaj a distans. Elèv yo pral resevwa pake travay ki pral bezwen retounen nan Madi pou konte pou prezans.

Register your household to receive a free Meal Kit and gift card to a Grocery Store or turkey. Registration closes on November 24.
Registre su hogar para recibir un kit de comida y una tarjeta de regalo gratis para una tienda de comestibles o un pavo. La inscripción cierra el 24 de Noviembre.
Anrejistre moun lakay ou pou resevwa yon Kit Repa ak kat kado gratis nan yon Makèt oswa kodenn. Enskripsyon an fèmen 24 novanm

LCS: 3rd and 4th grade boys and 7th and 8th grade girls basketball practice has been cancelled for Wednesday, 11/20.
Las prácticas de baloncesto de los niños de 3rd y 4th grado y de las niñas de 7th y 8th grado se han cancelado para el miércoles 20 de Noviembre.
Yo anile pratik baskètbòl pou ti gason 3yèm ak 4yèm ane ak 7yèm ak 8yèm tifi pou Mèkredi 11/20 an.

LCS: Surprise! Wear red tomorrow in support of children and youth experiencing homelessness across Pennsylvania. Students will not need to pay a dollar.
¡Sorpresa! Vístete de rojo mañana en apoyo a los niños y jóvenes sin hogar en Pennsylvania. Los estudiantes no tendrán que pagar un dólar.
Sipriz! Mete koulè wouj demen pou sipòte timoun ak jèn ki fè eksperyans sanzabri atravè Pennsylvania. Elèv yo p ap bezwen peye yon dola.

Tomorrow, Thursday, January 25th, Lincoln Charter will celebrate National School Choice Week. Scholars are invited to wear a yellow clothing item and dress down if they do so. For more information about NSCW, please visit: https://schoolchoiceweek.com Please check with your child about important notices that went home today. This includes conference sign up forms for next week. Have a nice rest of your evening!

Friday, January 19th will be a distance learning day due to inclement weather. Please stay warm and safe and enjoy your weekend!

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Tomorrow’s after-school Cub Scouts program has been canceled and will resume next week.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. Students will be sent home using their default dismissal procedure. Please make the necessary arrangements to receive your child.
Queridos Padres y guardianes,
El programa Cub Scouts ha sido cancelado para Martes, Octubre 17, 2023, y se reanudará la próxima semana, Martes, 24 de Octubre del 2023. Nos disculpamos por cualquier incoveniente que esto pueda causar y agradecemos su compresión. Los estudiantes seran enviados a casa utilizando su procedimiento de salida predeterminado.
Por favor haga los arreglos necesarios para recibir a su hijo.

Friends and Families of Lincoln Charter School: To help us prepare for the upcoming school year, please take a few minutes to provide feedback regarding your experiences this year. Please complete this Parent Climate Survey before Friday, June 30. https://bit.ly/42PuHMI
Amigos y familias de Lincoln Charter School: Para ayudarnos a prepararnos para el próximo año escolar, tómese unos minutos para brindar comentarios sobre sus experiencias este año. Complete esta Encuesta de clima para padres antes del viernes 30 de junio. https://bit.ly/42PuHMI

Tonight's Board meeting is being rescheduled. There will be no meeting at the school this evening. A date and time will be announced.

Book Fair this week! 4/3 & 4/4: 7:30am to 2:45pm. 4/5: 7:30am to 6pm (parent/teacher conferences) & 4/6: 7:30am to 12pm. - - - ¡Feria del Libro esta semana! 4/3 y 4/4: 7:30am a 2:45pm. 4/5: 7:30am a 6pm (reuniones de padres y maestros) y 4/6: 7:30am a 12pm.

Friday, 2/17 is early dismissal at 1pm. $1 dress down. Shirts must have sleeves. Shirts & sweatshirts may not have hoods. Pants may not have holes. Closed-toe shoes only (No Crocs). No school on Monday, 2/20 in observance of Presidents’ Day. / Viernes, 2/17 es salida temprano a la 1pm. $1 vestido informal. Las camisas deben tener mangas. Las camisas y sudaderas no pueden tener capuchas. Los pantalones no pueden tener agujeros. Solo zapatos cerrados (no Crocs). No hay clases el lunes 20 de febrero en conmemoración del Día de los Presidentes.

Friday, January 20th is early dismissal at 1:00pm. Scholars may dress down for $1.00. - - El viernes 20 de enero es la salida temprana a la 1:00 p. m. Los estudiantes pueden vestirse informalmente por $1.00.

Lincoln Charter School students return to school tomorrow, Tuesday, January 3rd at 8:30 a.m. - - Los estudiantes de Lincoln Charter School regresan a la escuela mañana martes 3 de enero a las 8:30 a.m.

Reminder that there is no school for Lincoln Charter students today. Students and staff return tomorrow, Tuesday, January 3rd. Distance Learning packets will be due Tuesday. Have a nice day! - - Recordatorio de que hoy no hay escuela para los estudiantes de Lincoln Charter. Los estudiantes y el personal regresan mañana martes 3 de enero. Los paquetes de aprendizaje a distancia se entregarán el martes. ¡Que tengas un buen día!

Thursday, December 22nd is a Distance Learning Day for Lincoln Charter scholars. The school will be closed. Scholars will bring home packets today. Completed packets will be due Tuesday, January 3rd when we return from Winter Break. They will count for attendance. The school will be closed through break. The students and staff will return to school on Tuesday, January 3rd. Enjoy your break!

Due to the forecasted inclement weather, Lincoln Charter School will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, December 15, 2022. Both buildings will be closed. Stay warm and safe.

Good evening parents of 6th & 7th grade Lincoln Charter School scholars. Please see your email or Facebook post regarding the steps we are taking tomorrow to correct the heating issue in parts of the building at our 459 W. King St. building. If you have any questions this evening, you may text Ms. Smeltzer at 717-881-9373. --- Buenas noches padres de estudiantes de 6º y 7º grado de Lincoln Charter School. Consulte su correo electrónico o publicación de Facebook con respecto a los pasos que tomaremos mañana para corregir el problema de calefacción en nuestro edificio 459 W. King St. Si tiene alguna pregunta esta noche, puede enviar un mensaje de texto a la Sra. Smeltzer al 717-881-9373.

Tomorrow, Friday, November 18 is early dismissal at 1:00 p.m. for Lincoln Charter. Students may wear a red shirt in support of homeless youth. Students may dress down for free. Reminder that tomorrow is the last day for donating Thanksgiving meal items.
--- Mañana, el viernes 18 de noviembre es la salida temprana a la 1:00 p. m. para la carta de Lincoln. Los estudiantes pueden usar una camisa roja en apoyo de los jóvenes sin hogar. Los estudiantes pueden vestirse informalmente gratis. Recordatorio de que mañana es el último día para donar artículos de comida de Acción de Gracias.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 16th is the pickup for Joe Corbi's items at Lincoln Charter School. Please pull up to the cafeteria doors starting at 3:45 p.m. Pickup will end at 5:00 p.m. Call or text Ms. Smeltzer at 717-881-9373 with questions. - -
Mañana miércoles 16 de noviembre es la recogida de los artículos de Joe Corbi. Acérquese a las puertas de la cafetería a partir de las 3:45 p. m. La recogida finalizará a las 17:00. Llame o envíe un mensaje de texto a la Sra. Smeltzer al 717-881-9373 si tiene preguntas.